Over 200 years ago our nation was founded on God given rights, that every man was equal, and therefore all were entitled to these rights. Yet how easily we give them away. Blood has colored our soil, countless lives have been lost in the name of freedom, and here we live in bondage. How has america gone from a land of the free, to the leader in a New World Order? From a nation where the value of life once was of such worth, to a life being ultimately worthless? We once fought for the imprisioned, now we fight for imprisonment.
In 1913, the structure for a banking cartel was perfected and put into effect. After three prior national banks had failed, seven men found a way to create a system that would last. Today we have the Federal Reserve, and those seven men we may thank. We have had depressions and recessions, families broken and homes lost, people starving and people dying. For this we can thank those seven men who joined in secret representing 1/4 the entire world's wealth at the beginning of the 19th century to give the ability of governing the economy to a private bank; its the government's money tree and the taxpayers nightmare.
The Federal Reserve is not federal and there are no reserves. But it is the heart of the american economy, the global empire and the producer of every dollar. It enables war, and causes bailouts. Many say America would be in economic ruin without it. Yet, every depression can be traced back to the Fed, they aren't the solution to a stable economy they are the hinderance to stablizing an economy.
The constitution gives congress, solely, the power to "print and coin money". Instead the Federal Reserve Act was passed during Christmas break in 1913 when congressmen were out and therefore not present to vote on its passage. This act surrendered the power to print and coin money to the private bankers, to a banking cartel based on fractional-reserve banking.
In effect, when the government borrows money from the Fed, for whatever purpose, the fed charges interest. This interest is paid by the American taxpayer. With every dollar the Fed feeds into the economy the value of the dollar decreases, and prices on goods look like they're rising, they're not. Its merely the Fed at work, and the devaluing of the dollar.
Now the librarian, college student, and grocery store owner can work harder for less. This is only how the ploy affects the individual, not even the banks. You see, fractional reserve banking allows the banks to loan out 9 times more then they have in reserves. So when they tell you your deposit is payble upon demand, that is true only if a small portion of depositors request their savings at any one point in time. In reality if more then 10% of customers request their funds the bank goes down, or must request assistance from the Fed, which again will burden the taxpayer.
Now, lets go back to that money tree, every dollar that is borrowed from the Fed has interest, but there will never be enough money in circulation to pay back the interest plus the capital. So with the Fed, the system everyone claims will solve our instability problems, we have now forever indebted america and in that the taxpayer. This is only the tip of an iceberg of deception.
Every economic downturn, the "business cycle", depressions can be traced back to the Fed... I'm missing the part about "stablizing the economy". I don't see the benefit of a system created to indebt the citizens constantly making them work harder for less and enabling the government to get money for whatever purpose charging the taxpayer the interest, and yet never telling them where they spent the money...I'm not seeing the benefit here, because there isn't one. The system was created by elites, to benefit elites, period. The taxpayer was never intended to be a beneficiary, merely a victim. Yet, taxpayers don't even know everyday their paying the price, their lives are the ones in ruin. Their families are the ones who suffer. Their country is the one in chains.
In 1913, America let go of who she used to be and set the road for who she has become, and her people never had a say in any of it. This land, these hills, the sun, and the sky, were once looked at with such awe and amazement. Purple mountains majesty were an image of freedom, now I look at them with sorrow. I only see their physical beauty, I don't look at them as a symbol of a freeland. America isn't truly free, she hasn't been since 1913. Freedom is merely an illusion, a banking cartel such as the Federal Reserve has America in financial bondage, a debt we will never find our way out of. The system was doomed to fail because it is impossible to pay back the debt in its entirety. America will not be truly free until the Federal Reserve is abolished.
For further reading, look into The Creature from Jekyll Island, by Edward G. Griffin.
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